Natural goods

Being natural

We only offer you natural products that are consciously made in order to beautify you and your surroundings. For a more detailed description of the Chakruna Ancestral Aroma, please scroll down.

Chakruna Ancestral Aroma


Red Sandalwood

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This scent brings a warm feeling of happiness and it activates the power Chakra - Manipura, to bring mental clarity while simultaniously inviting calmness and relaxation in your system.

15. Oils


Essential oil roller €25,-
Necklace €20,-

When you walk in the night and your senses are being awakened by the most mystical, sweet and delicious smell..the Jasmin flower is spreading her magic. She is associated with love, she opens the heartchakra, heals and sweetens all in this area. Connecting..unifying..purifying. The word Jasmin comes from Persian word 'yasmin' and means 'gift of god'. She invokes passion and sensuality to enjoy life and her beauty in all aspects. Simultaneously, she is calming and balancing.



Essential oil roller €33,-
Necklace €28,-

A beautiful sweet oil that helps rooting down and offers great focus.



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This beautiful herbal scent supports an environment of total balance. To be used for harmonising a room, a situation or a state of being.



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The name says it all. This scent is to refresh and awaken your energy. The sweet aroma stimulates an open mind, clear vision and luminous light on your path. Take in the scent and feel the mental clouds dissolve right away.



Essential oil roller €25,-
Necklace €20,-

This pure flower reconnects us with divinity. Pure unconditional love. She works with our heart Chakra - Anahata. From an esotheric perspective, the rose is considered a symbol of balance. She expresses new beginnings, rebirths and hope. A scent so beautiful and warming for healing and nurturing the relationship with yourself and your surroundings.



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Myrrh is one of the most holy herbs in existence. When Jesus was born, he was gifted Gold, Kopal and Myrrh. With its smokey, balsamic odor, this extract helps with observation and manifestation in your life. Great for meditation practices.



Parfume/Aura spray €25,-

A perfect spray to cleanse and purify a room, for example before and after a massage or Yoga session. It's also great for cleaning auras before a session or to simply start your day with.



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This great tool guides you back to feel that beautiful connection with everyhing around you. A sweet scent that opens your heart and merges with the vibration of Love. Perfect to use when uniting again with your partner after a struggle 😉


Chakruna Ancestral Aroma

These energetic parfums/aura sprays are a natural concentrate extraction from the plants. They need to go under the earth to absorb the energy of the moon as she infulences gravity. Here the earth's heat also ensures for a slow and constant process. Some of the plants are from the mountains in Colombia and other plants come directly from Amazonia and Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, one of the seven wonders of the world. The fusion between the plants, wood and roots make a special chemical connection that has an impact on the energetic aura to influence the different types of processes that we have in life.

This knowlege comes from the heart of the jungle. Making concentrated energy showers from the plants was one of the first steps made by the indigenous people. These techniques come from different traditions like those of the Cofan, Kemtza and Emberas tribes. They use these 'showers' to release emotional and physical diseases of the head.

The alcohol that is used is a natural indigenous distillation. It comes from fruits and sweet plants that result in really high percentage concentrations of alcohol when fermented.

Usage: Splash twice in the plam of the hand. Rub to activate the alchemy and inhale profoundly. Then distribute with the hands over the head and neck.

Splash around (ceremonial) places, altars, houses, and sacred environments.



The leaves, roots, wood and flowers are ground down using stone and put into glass bottles. These are placed in the earth for the duration of four full moon cycles as well as being activated by the influence of the plants and icaros (medicinal songs).